The collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, sewage, and other waste products are known as waste management. It refers to all the procedures and actions needed to handle trash, beginning with the collection and ending with the disposal. The process comprises monitoring and regulation in addition to waste collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal. It also includes the legislative and regulatory framework related to waste management, including recycling guidelines, etc. There are eight main categories of waste management techniques, and each sub-categorizes further. Some categories include source reduction and reuse, animal feeding, recycling, composting, fermentation, landfills, incinerators, and land application. The following is a list of some of the
Most Popular Trash Disposal Techniques
- Landfills – Landfills are most frequently utilized in developing nations like India and include burying rubbish in the ground after it has eliminated its stench. Unfortunately, landfills cause water and air pollution, which has a serious negative impact on the environment and can be lethal to humans and animals. As a result, the application of this method is under consideration.
- Incineration/Combustion – Municipal solid wastes are burned at high temperatures using this technique, which finally turns the waste into heat, gas, steam, and ash. The ability of this technology to reduce the volume of solid waste to 20 to 30 percent of the original volume is by far its greatest benefit. Also, the reduced space needed as a result of the volume reduction lowers stress on landfills.
- Recovery and Recycling – Resource recovery and recycling involve taking usable leftovers and putting them to a specified new use. The wasted objects are then processed and transformed into energy that can be useful in the form of fuel, heat, or power. Recycling is the process of turning discarded materials into new ones in order to conserve energy and fresh raw materials.
- Composting – Composting is a simple and natural bio-degradation process that converts organic wastes, such as plant remnants, garden debris, and kitchen scraps, into nutrient-rich food for plants. It is typically employed for organic farming and is regarded as one of the best ways to dispose of garbage because it may transform hazardous organic waste into safe compost.
One of the most useful concepts in waste management is following the rule 5 R’s of waste management as it helps to avoid being wasteful and make a more sustainable business. The 5 R’s of waste management are – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle. It is essential for a business to follow the steps to every last detail in order for the plan to work to its full potential.
5 R’s of Waste Management
- Refuse – The first of the 5 R’s of waste management is refuse. In this step, a business will have to minimize waste production by refusing to use materials such as single-use plastics and non-recyclable products. Businesses should avoid using extra or unnecessary packaging and instead use reusable/ returnable containers and packaging materials. Making wiser buying decisions and keeping standards that are more efficient at the beginning of the waste management process will make refusing unnecessary waste much earlier.
- Reduce – It refers to the reduction of harmful, wasteful, and non-recyclable materials to make a more sustainable future by limiting the negative impact on the environment. For example, businesses can reduce the amount of paper used by printing a document on both sides of the paper instead of printing only on one side.
- Reuse – Reuse is the third and most important of the 5 R’s of waste management because, in an effort to reduce waste, it is important to reuse existing items as much as possible. Presently, single-use plastics have created a “Use and Throw” culture by normalizing the consumption pattern of using a product once and then discarding it. The rate at which we are consuming single-use plastic is alarming, and the plastic crisis has become one of the world’s greatest environmental challenges. Therefore, it is essential for a business to switch to using reusable items instead of single-use plastic.
- Repurpose – If any item cannot be refused, reduced, or reused in a business, then we should repurpose the same. Also known as upcycling, repurposing involves taking items that were meant for one purpose but can be made useful for other purposes as well. Repurposing requires creatively thinking out of the box for solutions, but if we look around, businesses can utilize common-use office supplies such as cardboard boxes and packaging materials for multiple purposes instead of discarding them after single-use.
- Recycle – The final R among the 5 R’s of waste management is Recycle. Recycling is the most environmentally friendly waste disposal method, and it should be the last resort after completing the other 4 R’s of waste management. In order to be sustainable, a business must recycle any and everything that can be recycled and used and ensure that they maximize the use of recyclable items in their day-to-day business operations.
Therefore, we see how applying the 5 R’s of waste management, and recycling strategies can positively impact both the business and the environment by either significantly reducing the amount of waste generated or by adopting sustainable products in the day-to-day operations of an enterprise. Moreover, in the 5 R’s hierarchy of waste management, it is essential to treat recycling as a last resort after attempting to refuse, reduce, reuse, or repurpose the generated waste.