If you have decided that introducing a new puppy will be beneficial for your elder dog, you would want to take the time to understand how to present it properly. Keep in mind that puppies do not have the same grasp of the dog world that your older dog has. However, with adequate preparation, the meeting might well be a success.
One way to make your two furry family members feel comfortable with each other is to take them outside the house. You may introduce your elder dog and puppy in a safe, non-home environment. It will reduce territorial aggression while enabling everyone to adapt to their comfortable pace. Allow your elder dog to sniff the puppy before allowing them to interact once you have chosen a safe, neutral environment for them to meet. Allow plenty of time for all the dogs to become acquainted with each other’s smells, then proceed carefully.
Your pet clinic Youngsville, NC is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.