How To Make A Classic Board Game Box


One of the things we all love is a good old-fashioned board game. Whether it’s Monopoly or Clue, there’s something satisfying about taking on another player and trying to outwit them. And if you want to create a game that’s as classic as they come, you need to make sure your box looks the part. In this blog post, we’re going to show you how to make a game box packaging that will turn heads and bring in the customers. From design ideas to materials and everything in between, read on to learn everything you need to make your own classic board game box.


  • A cardboard box that is at least 12 inches square
  • Tape measure
  • Ruler or a straight edge
  • Scissors
  • Paint or a craft glue such as E6000
  • Old magazines (optional)

Step 1: Sketch out the dimensions of your box on paper and cut it out with your tape measure. It should be around 12 inches square.

Step 2: Trace the outline of the box onto the cardboard with a ruler or a straight edge. Use scissors to cut out the shape.

Step 3: Paint or glue the pieces of the box together, making sure to attach the top and bottom first. Then insert your game board into the center of the box.

Step 4: If you’re using old magazines, cut them up into smaller pieces and glue them onto the sides of the box as decor.


Making a classic board game box is simple with a few supplies. All you need is a sturdy cardboard box, scissors, a hole punch, and tape. To make the box, start by cutting out a rectangle that is about twice as long as your finished game box. Cut two flaps from the top and bottom of the rectangle, then cut out a hole in the center of each flap. Next, use the hole punch to create four smaller holes near the corners of the rectangle. Finally, tape the corners of the rectangle together so that it forms a box shape.


Making a classic board game box is easy and fun! Here are instructions:

  1. Start by tracing the outside of a standard box. Make sure to fill in the corners, as these will be used as hinge points.
  2. Cut out the traced cereal box with a sharp knife.
  3. Place the cereal box front side down on your work surface and use a score line to divide the box into 4 equal sections.
  4. Use a utility knife to cut around the score line, being careful not to go too deep or tear the cardboard. Once you’ve cut all around, remove the score line and lift off the cardboard strip.
  5. Glue one hinge point at the top left of each section (as seen in photo). Be sure that both hinges points are oriented correctly – if they are not, it will be difficult to attach them later on!
  6. Apply pressure evenly all around the circumference of each section and screw on each hinge point using screws provided (photo). Allow glued hinge points to dry for at least an hour before adding any additional decoration or labels!


Thanks for reading our guide on how to make a classic board game box! This project is easy and can be completed in just a few hours, so it’s the perfect way to spend a weekend afternoon. Whether you’re a fan of traditional board games like Monopoly or Scrabble, this box will make them easier to transport and play with friends. Be sure to check out our other DIY projects for more inspiration!


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