Whether you like it or not, your eyes will go through many changes as you age. As part of the aging process, you’ll encounter some eye issues as the years go by.

One of the first things that you’ll notice is the loss of your ability to focus on close objects. This is a common disease in aging eyes. This aging process starts very early on, but you will usually not detect this until you’re in middle age. The good news? You can easily correct it using contact lenses or eyeglasses.

Another common age-related problem is floaters which are spots in your vision. You’ll recognize them as small gray specks that you see when you’re in a brightly lit room or when you’re outdoors. It’s normal as you age and is nothing to worry about. However, if you suddenly see them and the specks are very dark and pronounced, see an eye doctor as quickly as possible. If you feel a sudden onset of bright flashes of light, this is a sign that the retina might have separated from the back of your eye. This requires immediate medical attention.

Any sign of an eye problem should prompt a visit to your eye care center Los Angeles, CA.


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