The material you use for your pet hamster’s cage is entirely up to you. Wire, glass, and plastic are the most common materials used in hamster cages. Each cage material has advantages and disadvantages.

Narrow metal bars having a bottom tray make up wire cages. They resemble birdcages in appearance. These cages have excellent ventilation, which helps to keep smells at bay. They are simple to clean, although hamsters have a habit of kicking the linens out of the cage’s sides. Prepare to tidy up the space around you regularly. Hamsters may nibble metal bars. The constant humming may drive you insane, and the wetness from their lips can corrode the cage. The hamster’s snout may be damaged if it bites the metal. A wired cage may be your least favorite option if other pets are in the house. For instance, your pet cat might paw at the hamster through the bar gaps.

Consult your vet San Antonio, TX about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.


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